Tuesday, February 17, 2009

So much to say

First, keep this little boy in your thoughts. If you know me, you could understand why little Gavin and his big sister Madison have captured my heart. They are going through such a difficult time right now and my heart breaks for them.

Second, and quite excitedly, I announce the arrival of this:

Isn't it the most beautiful bag ever? I swear it is beyond my wildest dreams! If you want one of your own, visit Heather Fish. She has the most beautiful, amazing, wonderful homemade items!

I don't think I can gush any more about it without becoming extraordinarily annoying!

Even more wonderful, when you make a purchase between now and October 31, 10% of sales are being donated in support of breast cancer research.

And to my surprise, she even threw in this awesome matching tote (on the right). I can fit my pain reliever, chapstick, lotion, tissues and epi-pen in there. It's awesome!

But wait! There's more!

While I was very, very, very excited about my little arrival...

Nothing can top the little arrival we are expecting on October 23...



  1. OMG! Congratulations!

  2. I second eatmisery - OMG - what a wonderful surprise!!!!!!! And thank you so much for the most awesome free publicity... I am glad you love it so. AND I am thinking it is large enough to double as a diaper bag in another few months....

  3. DUUUUUUUDE. Congrats!!!!! YAY!!!
