Thursday, February 12, 2009

The One Where You Think My House is Full of Pervs

We had quite the windstorm last night. Of course, being in this area, that meant we lost power.

My oldest slept right through it, which is not at all unusual. But my son woke up screaming like he was being attacked by a bunch of mutant, ninja 3-legged tigers.

When I finally stumbled my bubble butt down the hall to his room, he is MIA. Somehow in the 4 hours it took me to get to him, he had decided to stealthy maneuver his way into our room, into our bed.

At this point, it is a lost cause. Removal of this little being from our bed into his own is like trying to remove parasitic worm sacs from a grown man's brain (anyone see Gray's anatomy tonight?).

I got ready for bed in the near darkness and cuddled up with him. My husband came in and cuddled up on the other side.

My husband mentioned that our son could cuddle up with him instead of me, but he refused. And here is the conversation that took place when we prodded as to why he'd rather cuddle with me.

Me: Is it because mommy is softer?

Son: Noooooo. (insert precious giggle here)

Me: Is it because I'm warmer than Daddy?

Son: Noooooo. (insert even bigger giggle here)

Husband: Well, then what is it?

Son: She's sexy!

Insert my husband and I laughing our asses off here.

So yes, one day he's talking about his boy parts and the next he's apparently suffering from an Oedipus Complex.

And now that my very low readership has dropped by half, I bid you a good night!


  1. I actually love when they want to come into bed with us...just not both kids at the same time unless it's morning and we're getting up anyway. For a while, my son kept coming into our bed to sleep. Now, he'd rather sleep with his cool Elmo bedding. Sigh.

  2. Oh that is just TOOOOO hilarious! Our girl crawls in with us every night. I have another friend who also lives in Columbus... I will not tell you that she kept her power. I hope yours is back on now!
